Vetenskaplig artikel om samhällsfrågor med naturvetenskapligt innehåll
Teaching Socioscientific Issues: A Systematic Review
Skolforskningsinstitutets studie Teaching Socioscientific Issues: A Systematic Review har publicerats i den högt rankade tidskriften Science & Education.
Studien, som har gjorts av Per Högström, Niklas Gericke, Johan Wallin och Eva Bergman, är en vidareutveckling av institutets systematiska kartläggning Samhällsfrågor med naturvetenskapligt innehåll.
To provide a comprehensive picture of socioscientific issues (SSI) pedagogy in primary and secondary school contexts, we present a systematic review of research on how SSI in science education practice is characterized in studies of teaching and learning from 1997 to 2021. The review addresses the identified need for guidance on SSI teaching as experienced by practicing teachers.
The aim of the study is to define and describe how SSI as a pedagogical approach is characterized in studies of teaching and learning in science education research. From a sample of 5183 peer-reviewed articles, 157 were selected for the data extraction and systematic review process. The result is structured around teaching objectives, teaching topics, and teaching methods.
Our findings show that much of the research revolves around the development of students’ higher-order thinking skills and science content knowledge. The topics identified fall mainly within two themes: the environment and sustainable development, and health and technology. Group discussions stand out as the primary teaching method. The findings are discussed in the light of previous reviews, and recommendations for future research are suggested.
Uppdaterad: 2024-08-12 14:32