Vetenskaplig artikel om laborationer


Vetenskaplig artikel om laborationer

A systematic review of research on laboratory work in secondary school

Studien A systematic review of research on laboratory work in secondary school har publicerats i den ansedda tidskriften Studies in Science Education.

Studien, som har gjorts av Niklas Gericke, Per Högström och Johan Wallin, är en vidareutveckling av institutets systematiska översikt Laborationer i naturvetenskapsundervisningen.

We present an integrative mixed-methods systematic review of research on laboratory work in secondary-school science education from 1996 to 2019. The aim of the study is to identify important aspects of how to successfully make use of laboratory work as a science-teaching strategy in secondary schools. By engaging teachers, our study uses a demand-driven approach where the users of evidence participate in setting the scope. Of a sample of 11,771 studies, 39 were selected for the integrative analysis. The result is structured around three theoretical frameworks to inform our understanding of what characterises laboratory work, (1) with the aim of developing students’ learning of science, (2) with the aim of developing students’ learning to do science (science practices), and (3) regarding the level of inquiry that facilitates aims 1 and 2. The results are discussed in the light of previous research reviews, and recommendations for future research are suggested.

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Uppdaterad: 2024-07-03 14:17